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1st FEBRUARY - 25th MAY

Welcome to our first global online team tournament! Hope you enjoy it!


Our tournament is totally FREE. The inscription deadline is the 30th January, and will start on 1st of February! See the last page for the complete tournament calendar!


The only requirement for playing is to have an account on Warhall.

Do you want to participate?
You should go to our Discord!

We've created a New Recruit tournament.
Hurry up! Create a 5-people team and sign up!

It's time for the second Square Based Online Tournament! Before you begin you may want to make sure your have accounts created and ready to go.

1) In order to join the tournament you MUST be a Square Based Patreon and enrolled our Patron-only Discord. We'll also need your Discord username for the form. 

2) You will also need to make sure you have an account setup on and, as we'll be running the tournament using those platforms. You will need to provide your username for both on this form as well.


3) We will require your time-zone to help us better pair you with players. If you keep non-traditional (IE: Monday to Friday 9-5) working or waking hours - please choose a timezone that might align with more potential players. IE: pick a timezone where your free time lines up best with the evening hours of another timezone.)  


4) Be prepared for a weekly game commitment between October 21 and December 13. 

5) The tournament pack will be shared on Patreon and Discord in the coming days (if you listen to us regularly there will be no major surprises).


6) You must be #bassed. 


The tournament has a limit of 60 teams of 5-people. The army lists will be up to 4000 points (only official army books). The deadline to upload the lists will be the 30th January.
The tournament has two different periods (calendar):
  • Swiss league with all the teams.
  • Final stage with the top 8 teams.
Do you need help with the pairings? Visit:
It will be mandatory to use voice chat in English.
The official password for the tournament is: TOEO

Team match point cap: 65-35. There will not be an official time limit for each individual match but it should not be longer than 4-5 hours.


EO calendar.png

(This calendar could be modified because of possible new updates / hotfixes in 9th age.)



Yeah, we know, the tournament is free, but we want to give you some Warhall PRO subscriptions:


3 months of Warhall PRO + Premium Skin


2 months of Warhall PRO


1 month of Warhall PRO



Follow the news and progress of the tournament on Warhall's social media and YouTube channel.
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